― Hello, hello! Let me guess-you're looking for some new weapons? You've come to the right place! Hold the phone... What is THAT?! I didn't know you were a collector of vintage weapons! I must say-it's fascinating, but you'll need something far fresher for the Splatlands.

Art by Ratnavigator

an independent &&. private &&. selective portrayal of Sheldon Shellendorf from Splatoon. narrated by Fabiola. ( 19 / any pronouns / EST )

* rules/info.

==  001.  ==  I do a thing called “mirrored writing” if you gave me a small response, I’m giving you one back. If you gave me a long response I’m giving you a long rp response back. It’s a thing that a do around here, Don’t expect me to give you a full on thread of a response if you just say “hi sheldon”. The only time I do not do mirrored writing is when Sheldon is giving info about a weapon. If he is giving info about (a)weapons then the rp thread will most likely be 2+ threads long==  002.  ==  If you do nsfw or lewd on the public TL then please DNI, Im not a minor but please don’t interact with me, it’s literally disgusting. Also if i’m following anybody bad please dm me about it==  003.  ==  Account is multiship, main ship is with @AWKWARDANEMONE. Ships with chen though i’m not really looking for another ship with Sheldon. If you wish to ship sheldon please DM me about it first.

==  004.  ==  Pease do not interact with me if you do some kind of genderbend event with your muse, that stuff is straight up transphobic. I’m not gonna explain here in why it’s transphobic and stuff but if you want to know why you can dm me about it==  005.  ==  !PLEASE BUMP REPLIES IF I DONT RESPOND! I get really stressed out if I get more then 3+ responses at once, please don’t get offended if I don’t respond you, if I didn’t respond in 2+ days please bump the reply by either liking it or dming me==  006.  ==  Sometimes I do a thing called “Timeline rp” It’s when you role play with people on your timeline instead of quote tweeting them over and over again, If you see sheldon talking to himself over and over again, he ISNT talking to himself, he’s probably just talking to another person. If you respond to one of my timeline role plays without knowing it’s a timeline role play im gonna ignore it, check before you respond!

( template made by @poohsources )



* character info.




  • ***full name.***  Sheldon Shellendorf

  • ***also known as.***  Sheldon,

  • ***date of birth.***  09 / 09 / ????

  • ***age.***  129

  • ***gender.***  Male

  • ***pronouns.***  He / Him

  • ***sexual orientation.***  None

  • ***occupation.***  Ammo knights Owner

  • ***species.***  Horseshoe crab

  • ***current home.***  Bankara, Splatsville

  • ***language(s).***  Inklish, octolish, spanish

  • ***parents.***  Unknown

  • ***siblings.***  Unknown

  • ***other family members.***  grandpappy, Ammoses Shellendorf

  • ***significant other.***  Annie Shellendorf

  • ***pets.***  Bubbles the sea cucumber

  • ***positive traits.***  respectful, honest, Open-Minded, reliable, Good genes, Smart

  • ***negative traits.***  envy, hatred, jealous, self-centered, crybaby, Talkative

  • ***likes.***  weapons, Talking, Tay, Annie, Squid sisters

  • ***dislikes.***  Hatred towards him, Tavi, Squid sisters haters, People who cut off

  • ***mbti.***  INFP

  • ***moral alignment.*** Neutral Good

  • ***enneagram type.***  3

Sheldon Shellendorf, 129 born on september 9th, Owner of Ammo knights, the weapon shop that has been running for 300+ million years. The chatty horseshoe Crab also has a small job in Cooler heads with his wife Annie, he likes to work on Annie’s small strawberry garden that Annie has next to her store.This weapon store chain has been going on for billions of years, the first Ammo knights owner being sheldon’s grandfather, Ammoses Shellendorf. Though due to personal reasons his grandfather gave the whole store to his grandson, And it’s been running ever since

* Headcanons.


  • **001.** ~Sheldon is considered to be the most biggest squid sisters fan, his room is filled with squid sisters merch, plushies, old tickets, signed posters etc. he gets free VIP tickets every time there’s a new squid sisters concert coming up, when it’s Mar13 day or Call13 day Sheldon literally starts to freak out since he loves them that much. ~

  • **002.** ~Pearl and Sheldon do NOT get along well, They were enemies since they were little and they’ve hated each-other since then, Sheldon tries his best to ignore her but he can’t. but since Pearl has Marina, pearl can just ignore Sheldon all she wants without a problem ~

  • **003.** ~Sheldon can go 6 days talking non stop, this dude LOVES to talk and he can’t be quiet unless Tavi commands him to, He doesn’t need water or a break, he just loves talking and he can talk for DAYS, Unless he’s talking to Tavi ~


  • **004.** ~Sheldon is a giant crybaby, he crys over everything, he even gets scared easily. he’ll get scared even if you give him the smallest threat ever, even as a joke. He’s also scared of people that are taller than him, arthur, Tavi, and Tay. He could probably go 3 days crying non stop if you made him super scared ~

  • **005.** ~If Sheldon is speaking Spanish with Annie or by himself, it probably means he’s talking bad about someone or something, he’s does this mostly with Tavi, but he also does it for attention. It’s one of his toxic traits. ~

  • **006.** ~its really easy to be forgiven by him, you could literally just say “I’m sorry” and he’ll forgive you, however if you did something REALLY bad then you have to give him something for him to forgive you. cupcakes, Squid sisters merch, paint, materials for weapons etc. That’ll make him forgive you. ~